Wallace Environmental Consulting, Inc. provides airport sponsors with environmental consulting to meet the requirements of the FAA's National Environmental Policy Act guidelines and to ensure conformance with federal airport grant assurances. Our experienced airport consulting staff has work on over 30 airports when the sponsor has proposed revisions to an airport layout plan, updates to an Airport Master Plan or construction of a new airport.
Environmental analysis of proposed projects on federally obligated airports falls within the guidelines of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) as implemented by the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations and the Federal Aviation Administration Order 1050.1F and Order 5050.4B. NEPA compliance is triggered by any 'federal action' that impacts the human environment. The federal action analyzed under NEPA is the approval of specified near term projects depicted on an Airport Layout Plan (ALP).
All airports participating in the National Plan of Integrated Airports are required to prepare and maintain a current ALP. The ALP depicts existing airport facilities and proposed future airport development. One of the purposes of the ALP is to guide an airport's future physical development.
NEPA Document Preparation: All NEPA document preparation and processing are conducted in accordance with FAA Order 1050.1E, Environmental Impacts: Policies and Procedures, and FAA Order 5050.4B, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Implementing Instructions for Airports. Depending on the FAA guidelines, Wallace Environmental Consulting will prepare an Environmental Impact Statement, Environmental Assessment or Categorical Exclusion for proposed actions on federally obligated airports.
Biological Assessments and Section 7 Consultations: Wallace Environmental Consulting, Inc. works with airport sponsors, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and other resource agencies to prepare biological documentation in support of biological assessments and Section 7 consultations for federally listed species. Our experience extends to managing designated critical habitats on airports which creates complex long and short term airport management issues for on-site conservation and mitigation.
Wetland Delineations and Section 404/401 Permitting: Wallace Environmental Consulting, Inc. understands the importance of identifying wetlands on airports as a matter of long term planning and the potential for riparian features to become wildlife attractants. Our certified wetland specialists work with the airport sponsor, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and wildlife management agencies to assure effective wetland management and regulatory compliance.
Cultural Resources Surveys and Section 106 Consultations: Wallace Environmental Consulting, Inc. provides professional and technical services related to the identification, evaluation, and management of cultural resources.
Sustainability Management Plans: Wallace Environmental Consulting, Inc. works with airport sponsors to integrate sustainability planning into an airport's long-term management by incorporating sustainability practices into airport functions, from Master Plans to daily operations, by providing policy guidance, sustainability performance indicators and best practices.
Wallace Environmental Consulting works with airport sponsors to assess environmental constraints and sustainability planning during preparation and revision of Airport Master Plans and works with clients on sensistive environmental planning elements including designated critical habitats, wetlands, endangered species, land use compatibility and cultural resource issues. Wallace provides consulting services to sponsors on the following airports:
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